Winter Check in Chat
Well hello there – nice to see you! Help yourself to a biscuit…
My ‘Check in Chats’ are just a way for you to see what’s going on in the world of Sparky Author! Grab a brew and make yourself comfortable…
When I wrote ‘The Shoe Foxes’ I had no idea how it would go down… and I was completely blown away by the response! I just wanted to start by saying thank you so much if you’ve liked my pages or bought the book!
Launch day was timed majestically with 4 or 5 brand new teeth popping through my daughters gums, teamed up with a stinking cold… Leaving me with approximately 2 hours sleep the night before! Thankfully my mother in law was staying over that night too, so I got to get some catch up sleep on release day. This is the beauty of releasing your book online while at home: you can spend the day in your pj’s!
This month I’ve had a few things going on following the release…
Social Media
This last couple of weeks I have mainly been focussing on spreading the news of the launch as far and wide as I can by posting on my pages, while figuring out how I want to bring in new fans, promote the book and keep the current followers happy… It’s tough to balance!
If you’re not following me yet here are my links to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – each channel brings something a little different.
Radio interview
Last week I had a fantastic interview with my lovely Editor, Sue Miller, on ‘The Indie Author Show’ on Calon FM. I had such a great time and was so glad that nerves didn’t take hold! Once I have the sound file it will be up on here so watch this space!
I’ve been featured in the St Helens Star while talking about the inspiration for my book series ‘The Tales of Willow Park’ with potentially more press to follow…
Future Books
I’m constantly thinking of new book ideas so I’m getting myself out there to gain as much inspiration as I can! I visited the TEDx talks in Liverpool last week which was massively inspiring, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the next book came from that. I’m also soaking up as much Christmas as I can to look at writing a Christmas book! Great excuse to have a chill with a mince pie….
Watch this space for a couple more treats from me before Christmas!
Until next time…